Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fusion Communication: October 21

Hi all,

Ahhhh - three day weekend for the students. They need it:) This communication is going to be A LOT about the Montreal

Montreal Field Trip Update - Details for a Great Experience

Below are some hints for having a great trip to Montreal:

1) It will be cold - Please make sure your child is prepared with warm, layered clothing. They will be outside for hours in 30 degree weather.

Montreal Weather Forecast

2) Students should have a lot of snacks - necessary as they will be on the go all day

Fresh fruit and vegetables should be avoided - issues from time to time at the border
Better option - fruit cups and commercially pre-packaged veggies
No soda or energy drinks (please limit the candy)
There are many affordable options for lunch but no student should feel they have to purchase lunch

3) Canadian Money is not necessary but few store owners will convert American to Canadian at the official exchange rate… or at all if the purchase is small.

Better to have Canadian before going (call your local bank to see if they issue Canadian) - students can stop to convert near Place d’Armes and most tourist locations have an exchange-like business.

Chip enabled debit cards (yes, some students do have them) are the best way to save:) Make sure the student knows their PIN and you have contacted the issuing bank to alert them of travel to Canada on Friday, October 26

Most students will be quite satisfied with $15. Groups will be planning their small group excursions this week - your child should be able to show you a menu of a place in which they will eat.

4) Cell service/Data charges (please check your plan details - the team is giving general information about the dominant cell plans)

Verizon has switched to an all inclusive system - students should be able to use voice/text/data as they would in the states

AT&T and Sprint - additional charges will be assessed if the student uses cell service without a special plan. Please check your carrier to see the options.

5) If your family has an emergency and you feel your child should know, please contact the school first. The school will have Mr. Pless’ number and will contact him.

Expected Montreal Itinerary (there are ALWAYS complications – please be flexible):
6:45 AM - Students should be at BRMS

7:00 AM – Latest departure from BRMS for Montreal

9:30 AM - Expected Arrival time in Montreal (We are always delayed at the border for at least 30 minutes)

9:45: Meet and greet and headcount of small groups

10:00-11:30 Tour with Student Tour Guides

11:30ish -1:50 Lunch and small group excursion

1:50 Meet at Archeological Museum

2:00 – 3:30: We will go in the Archeological Museum as a team.

3:45 - 4:00 Meet outside the Museum.

4:00 – Latest departure time for BRMS

6:30-7:00- Hopefully return to BRMS (all depends if we get caught behind a Greyhound Bus:)

October 4 - 25: Parent Conferences Tuesdays and Thursdays (see sign-up link above)


October 26: Montreal Field Trip

November 19-23: School Break

November 30: First ⅞ Dance of the year! Woot!

Curriculum Updates return next week
Weather is turning decidedly cooler - some students are continually demonstrating they arte not ready to be outside for 25 minutes of recess. Please check to make sure they have a warm layer for these increasingly chilly and windy days.

The Fusion Team

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fusion Communication: October 14

Hi all,
Sorry for a later communication - please see information about the Montreal field trip and parent

Parent Conference
The parent conference slots are for the most part filled.  If you wish to have a parent conference and
have not had one, see if any of the available times will work before contacting the team -  we will work
to build in a time if the available slots will not work.

Montreal Field Trip Update - Forms and Fees Due Tomorrow
Field trip forms and fee are due tomorrow. Please notify team if your child is not attending or Mr. Pless
will contact you directly.

Laptops should NOT be home over the weekend
If a laptop makes its way home, please store it in a secure, undisclosed location until Monday morning.
In the past, a great deal of damage is inadvertently done to the laptops over the weekend - and the
team does not give homework on the weekends:)

October 4 - 25: Parent Conferences Tuesdays and Thursdays (see sign-up link above)
October 15: Montreal Permission form and Fee due ($47) **IDs due no later than the week of
October 19: Non-student day
October 26: Montreal Field Trip
November 19-23: School Break
November 30: First ⅞ Dance of the year! Woot!

Curriculum Updates

LA 7+8
Students in BOTH grades completed reading assessments this week. Those who still need more time
due to absences, etc. know they should check with Mrs. Bessette on Monday.

Now that we are switching over to writing, students should continue to read 30 minutes each night or in
study hall, but they no longer need to jot and submit weekly notebook work :)  

7-  We are almost through the first investigation in our new unit, Accentuate the Negative.  We have
been introducing and exploring number lines and “chip models” to help us model different operations
with integers.  Next week, we will be expanding these models to formalize addition and subtraction
rules with rational numbers. Students also have a weekly homework assignment due Tuesday of next

8 -   We wrapped up the graphing, table, and equation writing portion of the unit this week with a
partial unit assessment.  We have begun exploring solving linear equations by using models and writing
and solving algebraic equations in parallel.  Next week we will be shifting to solving equations only in
their algebraic form.

7- As students observed the exponential growth of bacteria colonies on their petri dishes, they also
experienced the positive results of using bacteria in foods;  we had a food sampling day of plain yogurt,
sauerkraut, and swiss cheese. The next day we focused on fungi in foods, and sampled blue cheese!
Next week, we begin learning more details of the structure and function of specific types of cells and
their organelles.

8-  We finished the last assessment for our Universe unit this week, which focused on the skills of
modeling the organization of the universe and data analysis of scale models of the solar system.  Next
week, we plan to watch the PG-13 movie, The Martian, a highly-rated movie with plenty of good
science about space travel and survival. There are two significant swear words and one partial nudity
scene, which I will edit out.  You can read the Common Sense Media review by following this link.  
Please send me an email over the weekend if you have any concerns about this showing.

7 - Students began to do preparation for the Montreal field trip and continued to explore the Universals
through the lens of Jericho/Underhill residents, Vermonters and Americans.

8 - Students finished up a quick lesson on the confirmation process for the Supreme Court, continued
to build their characters for the Profile 1763 project (due Tuesday, October 16). They began a deeper
dive into the Seven Years War, George Washington’s early leadership and why representation in
decision making is important in a democracy.

Weather is turning decidedly cooler next week - students will want a warm something as the
building can be chilly some mornings:) PE is still outside and recess is always outside when the sun is

The Fusion Team