Friday, January 19, 2018

Fusion Communication: January 19

Hi all,
One of these weeks, we’ll have five days of school:) This communication will be short - longer one next week once all staff are settled, back and / or in good health.

Fusion “Fun” Field Trip Day - February 2
Team Fusion will be bowling, and then returning to school for the annual “Pizza Pie/Chinese Buffet” lunch.  Please see the attached permission form (or the bright orange one in the backpack).

Time to Check Supplies!
It’s almost the halfway point in the year - and some student supplies are running low.  Please check in with your child to make sure they have pencils, pens, paper, etc; teaching team is getting asked for A LOT of pencils right now.

All Laptops are at school over the Weekend
There should be no school laptops / electronic devices at home over the break.  If one does make its way home, please secure it in a spot where it will remain unused for the break.

January 25 - 8th Grade families: MMU Transition Meeting at high school starting at 6:30pm (students are welcome to attend)
February 2 -  Field trip to Spare Time Bowling
February 14 - Delayed Start
February 24-March 6: Winter Break (no school)
April 11 - Delayed Start
May 9 - Last Delayed Start
June 1 - 8th Grade: Move up Day at MMU

Thanks and have a great weekend.