Friday, December 22, 2017

Fusion Communication: December 22

Hi all,
Well, we made it to another one.  Students are ready for the break - and it looks like a snow in the forecast.  Or lots of sitting by heating sources.

Career Panel - want to participate?
As part of the annual career / PLP unit, Team Fusion holds a Career Panel for the 8th graders - usually the panel is during the last week before February Break. We are looking for a wide range of careers, and more importantly, paths to those careers. Please contact Mr. Pless if you are interested.

All Laptops are at school over the break
There should be no school laptops / electronic devices at home over the break.  If one does make its way home, please secure it in a spot where it will remain unused for the break.

December Break - December 25-29, January 1, 2018!
January 10 - Delayed Start
January 15 - Martin Luther King Day; No school for students
January 18 - MMU guidance counselors visit 8th graders at BRMS (yep - it’s really here… high school transition!)
February 14 - Delayed Start
February 24-March 6: Winter Break (no school)
April 11 - Delayed Start
May 9 - Last Delayed Start

Curriculum Updates
*** I have invited our long term substitute, Virginia Bobbitt to visit following the December break. The hope is that she will be able to spend a few days shadowing, meeting students and observing our daily routines. If all goes according to plan, she will be subbing from mid-January to late April. Once she is settled, you will be able to contact her via email. ***

When we return from break students in both grades will take a nonfiction reading pre-assessment. This assessment is intended to see how students tackle and respond to nonfiction text. It will be placed on the report card for the purpose of demonstrating growth but it is important to note that students are being assessed on their pre-existing skills before any lessons have been taught. Pre assessments are used by teachers to inform unit and lesson planning. They are also used to discuss student growth at the end of the trimester as students will repeat the assessment at the end of the unit.

7 - The first week after break will be spent on a Tuck Everlasting poster project. There will be several topics to choose from and completed posters will be presented during a gallery walk in class. Next, we will move on to a study of nonfiction text. Students will have access to bins of nonfiction books in class. Mini  lessons will focus on determining and tracking central ideas. Students will apply these skills to the books they are reading independently.

8 - Students will be reading nonfiction chapter books during the first few weeks after the break. Mini lessons will focus on summarizing and synthesising information in their books. They will complete independent and group tasks related to these skills and strategies.

7 - Student completed the unit “From Cells to Systems” by examining the interdependence of human body systems in life-threatening situations.  When we return from vacation, we will focus on reproductive strategies among organisms, which will lay the foundation for our unit on genetics and heredity.  We will also receive our Brook Trout Eggs on January 4th!! Stay tuned for regular updates as we observe these babies grow and develop!

8 - Students used butane stoves and digital temperature probes to investigate what happens to ice as it’s heated to boiling.  They completed a mini-lab report, discussing trends in the data as well as comparisons to the ideal phase change graph.  They should be able to explain to you what happens to energy when matter is changing phase.  When we return, we will explore a wide variety of chemical reactions!

7 - Students had a great experience with the Foodarama activity, which sets up further exploration of how food / cuisine is affected by geography and cultural attitudes.  The week ended with a final mini-project focused on religion in daily life, and students adding some of their learning to their Sovereign States, which are student-created countries; ask your child in which latitude their country will be located.

8 - The American Revolution film Unit concluded with the movie The Crossing, starring Jeff Daniels. Part of the study of that film was to compare the famous Emanuel Leutze painting “Washington crossing the Delaware River” to the real events leading to the Battle of Trenton.  After the break, 8th graders will start with a deeper dive into the Declaration of Independence, and then it's off to the Constitution for the next seven weeks.

7 - Students started the next unit, Accentuate the Negative this week by exploring distances on a number line that includes negative numbers. We will continue more exploration of the number line and begin work with addition and subtraction of negative numbers when we return from break.
8 - We had a great reminder of the importance of math within Science on our field trip last week. While one of the professors said this explicitly during his demonstrations, we did not get into any of the math behind the concepts we were exploring. However, there were plenty of leftover formulas on the board behind him from UVM students working through physics problems. Students may have noticed Trigonometry equations that had a strong resemblance to the Pythagorean Theorem.  Thank you again to our chaperones that helped out on this trip!
This week, we wrapped up the unit, Looking for Pythagoras, with a unit test on Wednesday/Thursday.  When we return from break, we start the unit Growing, Growing, Growing.  This unit explores exponential growth and exponent rules.

Have a great break and a happy new year.

The Fusion Team

Monday, December 18, 2017

Fusion Communication: December 18

Hi all,
There will be a longer communication on Friday with curriculum updates.  Otherwise, Team Fusion is hoping for good week before break.

Fun Day this Friday
There will be all school fun day activities and no academics for this Friday. If your child will NOT be attending school, please let us know (contact Mr. Pless directly).

8th Grade Families - December 15 Field
Thank you to the volunteer chaperones and for others who communicated so well about early pick-up’s!  Students were terrific, and blended well with the campus environment!

7th Grade Families - Foodarama Update
Thank you for the time and effort to make this event possible - there were many compliments about the food, but also about the enthusiasm of your children for the event.  A big shout out to Mr. Nicholson, who managed the warm-up of food in his space while teaching his classes.

All Laptops are at school over the break
Laptops will be audited on Thursday, and will not come home until the new year (Wow - 2018 is nearly here!). You will be contacted if your child’s laptop is missing from the cart. If you are contacted, please secure the laptop for the break; experience has shown there is a marked increase in laptop damage over breaks.

December 22 - BRMS Fun Day (no academics)
December Break - December 25-29, January 1, 2018!
January 10 - Delayed Start
January 15 - Martin Luther King Day; No school for students
February 14 - Delayed Start

Curriculum Updates will return at the end of the week.

The Fusion Team

Friday, December 8, 2017

Fusion Communication: December 8

Hi all,
Things are getting colder - at least for the next few days. Please make sure your child is prepared to be outside for 20 minutes… some days that 20 minutes seems WAY longer if a child is not prepared.

Got Report Cards?
All families should have received a report card in the mail - contact team if you did not.

8th Grade Families - December 15 Field Trip Information
A reminder that 8th grade students will be going to the UVM physics lab and to the Davis Center for lunch next Friday.  Several permission forms still need to be returned.  I will send reminder emails to families next week, as needed.  Students should be prepared for short walks on the UVM campus; they should bring a bagged lunch or money to purchase lunch at the Davis Center; they should also look forward to many exciting physics demonstrations!  Thanks in advance to chaperone volunteers!

7th Grade Families - Foodarama on December 15
On Friday, December 15, the Fusion 7th graders will host an event called “Foodarama”. Teams from around the school will be invited to join Fusion -starting at 1pm - for five servings of food from around the world.  Fusion students should be bringing home recipes this weekend, and at the latest Monday, for families to look over and help students plan the recipe; students know families have final say:)  Students are allowed to select from the following categories: appetizers, entrees / main dishes, side dishes and desserts. The recipes should contain at least 20 servings.  Contact Mr. pless if there are questions.

All Laptops are at school over the weekend
You will be contacted if your child’s laptop is missing from the cart. If you are contacted, please secure the laptop for the weekend. Student should bring it back on Monday morning.

December 13 - Two Hour Delay
December 15 - 8th grade field trip to University of Vermont physics lab.  
                         7th Grade - Foodarama at BRMS 1pm
December 22 - BRMS Fun Day (no academics)
December Break - December 25-29, January 1, 2018!
January 10 - Delayed Start
January 15 - Martin Luther King Day; No school for students
February 14 - Delayed Start

Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

7- We continue to work our way through Tuck Everlasting in class. Our on -class discussions about this book have been really rich and interesting.

8- We just finished our class read aloud, Chains. Students are working on a poster project (due on Tuesday). Details are on Schoology. They will have class time to work on it on Monday.

7 - Students completed their research papers on human body systems on Friday!  They have worked diligently these past 2 weeks researching their human disease/condition and how specific body systems work together to keep us alive!  Next week, we will focus more on the endocrine and nervous systems.

8 - This week, students investigated the thermal conductivity of a variety of materials, then used their results to design and build an insulated water bottle.  They analyzed their results and the engineering design process.  Next week, we investigate melting points and other phase changes of different types of matter. Our field trip to the UVM physics lab is on Friday!

7 - Students started the week with a heavy focus on the “Big 5” religions, taking notes and engaging in discussion about Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.  They worked in groups reviewing the actions and beliefs of people who practice these religions around the world using Culturegrams interviews. Students are now identifying recipes and working to prove those recipes are from the countries the students think they are from; these recipes will lead to the “Foodarama” on December 15 (described above).

8 - Students started the week with the assessment for the Boston Massacre and the end of the Causes of the American Revolution unit.  They began a film unit, exploring the messages given to Americans about the Revolution through Schoolhouse Rocks animated shorts, and three full-length feature films: Johnny Tremain (1957), April Morning (1988), and The Crossing (2000).

7 - At the beginning of the week, we explored finding volume of cylinders.  We spent the rest of our week preparing for the unit assessment which will be this coming Tuesday.  Students have a reference page of notes to study from. We will spend Monday reviewing the practice test and doing last minute preparations for the unit assessment.

8 - We are cruising through our current unit, Looking for Pythagoras. We discovered and have been applying the theorem.  We also made proofs for the theorem and created rules for what types of triangles satisfy the theorem.  Next week, we will be looking closer at irrational numbers.

Snow by Sunday evening… not that helps for the weekend. For those more inclined for the indoors, enjoy the longer nights next to the fire (or the start of the basketball / hockey seasons).

The Fusion Team

Friday, December 1, 2017

Fusion Communication: December 1

Hi all,
Hard to believe it’s December - didn’t the team just have an overnight field trip? Team Fusion is back in the swing of things - see all the happenings below.

Report Cards
First Trimester report cards will be mailed Monday.  Please contact the team if you have questions

All Laptops are at school over the weekend
You will be contacted if your child’s laptop is missing from the cart. If you are contacted, please secure the laptop for the weekend. Student should bring it back on Monday morning.

7th Grade Field Trip to VIF
Team had a great time at the Vermont International Festival. Thanks to the following folks who chaperoned:
Marie Sawyer
Sally Wade
Amy Fisher
Robyn Mundell
Meg Beliveau
Pam Clark
Tim Harvey
Kim Norman
Jean Kelly
Christa Alexander

December 13 - Two Hour Delay
December 15 - 8th grade field trip to University of Vermont physics lab.  
December Break - December 25-29, January 1, 2018!
January 10 - Delayed Start
January 15 - Martin Luther King Day; No school for students
February 14 - Delayed Start

Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Important Information Regarding the LA Report Card:
Please note that students will now see a pre-assessment score for writing on the report card. While having these scores on the report card is new, please know that the use of these assessments remains the same. They are used by teachers to plan units and assess growth at the end of the trimester. Pre-assessment scores are derived by comparing at a sample piece of each student’s writing against grade level standards at the beginning of the year before any writing lessons have been taught. Pre-assessment scores are then compared to the post assessment in order to determine areas of growth and suggestions for next steps.

Process grades for reading are also new. These scores represent a collection of reading work done over the course of the trimester (journals and in class work). Students are encouraged to try out different methods for showing their thinking and the hope is that as the trimester goes on, students demonstrate deeper thinking about texts. Again, suggestions and celebrations related to this work will show up in the comments section.

7 - Students are in the middle of writing a research paper on human body systems.  They selected one disease/condition to investigate and completed a lead paragraph for their paper outlining the disease and establishing the claim that the human body is a system of interacting subsystems.  Currently, they are focused on writing about the function and structures of 2 body systems directly related to their disease/condition.  This paper will continue into next week.

8 - Energy transfer is the topic this week.  During investigations, students determined how to predict the final temperature of a mixture of hot and cold water, and then learned how to calculate the amount of energy transfer in calories.  They will apply their knowledge of energy transfer and thermal conductivity with a water bottle design challenge next week.

7 - Students embarked on an exploration of cuisine and religion this week.  These topics fit within the culture unit and will lead to a food project in two weeks where students will link certain recipes to certain religions.  There will also be a geography component, as climate and topography are also major drivers of food/cuisine.  Students will collect

8 - The students are finishing up the American Revolution unit by studying the Boston Massacre.  Thursday’s class featured a mock trial of the soldiers - students did great! The final assessment for the American Revolution will be Tuesday, then off to the film unit where students will watch five films (2 Schoolhouse Rock, Johnny Tremain, April Morning, The Crossing) and evaluate how the Revolution is portrayed in popular culture - and also how that portrayal has changed over time.

7 - This week, we explored strategies for finding area of a circle as well as applying our knowledge of surface area of prism and circumference and area of circle to developing strategies for finding surface area of a cylinder. Next week, we will wrap up the unit by developing strategies for finding volume of a cylinder. We are shooting to have a unit assessment at the end of the week.

8 - We have gotten off to a great start with our new unit, Looking for Pythagoras. Students spent this week exploring how to find the area of a square that are set on a diagonal in a dot grid plane. This will help them in work next week of determining and proving the Pythagorean Theorem. Students also defined square roots as the side length of a square with a given area.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

The Fusion Team

Friday, November 10, 2017

Fusion Communication: November 10

Hi all,

Frigid weather is here! Please make sure your child comes prepared to be outside at recess - and for all other news on Team Fusion keep on reading.

School Dance Total - Wow!
Team raised $800 from the dance - wow! Thank you for the food and beverage donations.  We continue to sell them on a snack cart that makes the rounds of the upstairs on Friday afternoons.

Movember and Food Shelf
BRMS is starting the Movember campaign.  Several staff members have joined the effort, developing personas to raise awareness around mental and physical health during the winter months. As part of this awareness campaign, students are asked to contribute a non-perishable food item; BRMS helped restock the Jericho/Underhill food shelf last year after their “Thanksgiving” food stock was handed out.

On Team Fusion, Ms. Barnier, Mr. Keblin and Mr. Pless are all participating in the Movember campaign - students “vote” for their favorite Movember persona by placing food items in boxes beside the front office bearing the name and likeness of the staff member.

8th graders not involved with the band/chorus programs have been using the last hour on Friday afternoons to “connect” with their community through community service projects.  To date, students have done a lot of great work but one project came to fruition today.  It was inspired by the artist Mary Lacy’s style and is located in Ms. Windhausen’s room:

All Laptops are at school over the weekend
No school issued laptops should be at home over the weekend.  In the event a laptop does make its way home, please store it in a safe place for the weekend.

December 1 - 7th grade field trip to Vermont International Festival ($5 fee - looking for a few chaperones) - permission form is attached
December 13 - Two Hour Delay
December Break - December 25-29, January 1, 2018!
January 10 - Delayed Start
January 15 - Martin Luther King Day; No school for students
February 14 - Delayed Start

Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Curriculum Updates…. Science and Math will be back next week.
7 - *** Reading Journals are due today! *** Students were reminded each day this week to add to their writing about reading in journals and to place special emphasis on this week’s assignment as it is the last graded reading journal before report cards.

***Important Upcoming Dates***
Process Piece Due: Tuesday, November 14th -- we have been working on these for a few weeks in class.
On Demand Assessment: Thursday, November 16th -- this writing piece will be compared to the pre assessment taken at the start of the unit to determine student growth in writing over the course of the trimester

To prepare for the writing assessment, students will be given time to research and plan in class on Wednesday, November 15th. They are welcome to plan and research outside of class as well, but ALL writing MUST be done here on the assessment day.

8 - *** No reading journal due this week for 8th grade. *** Students needed time to plan for their on demand writing assessment, which they completed in class today. Next week we will return to working with our class read aloud novel, Chains.

7 - Students have begun the district assessment for the culture unit - they are creating slideshows, websites or Thinglinks! related to their view of their culture.  Please check in with your child about the progress. The assessment is due at the end of next week.

8 - Queen’s Candy Activity was a huge hit! Ask your child about their role and what they learned about the Stamp Act. Otherwise, the students are continuing the formal assessment for the American Revolution unit.  They will be using structured notes they take from online reading to support Thinglinks! about major events leading to the American revolution.  The Instagram and Facebook discussion experiences are off the ground and functioning. Mr. Pless encourages families to check in (or even follow) the Instagram accounts if your child has one.

The Fusion Team

Friday, November 3, 2017

Fusion Communication: November 3

Hi all,
What a crazy week - let’s NOT do that again! Hoping everyone is close to power being restored and recovering from the frenzy of Halloween; the bright side of the power outage was it cancelled out the effects of Halloween at school:)

School Dance
Thank you to all families that contributed to the dance concession stand - we had plenty of food.  A final tally will be reported once the money is deposited.

Movember and Food Shelf
BRMS is starting the Movember campaign.  Several staff members have joined the effort, developing personas to raise awareness around mental and physical health during the winter months. As part of this awareness campaign, students are asked to contribute a non-perishable food item; BRMS helped restock the Jericho/Underhill food shelf last year after their “Thanksgiving” food stock was handed out.

On Team Fusion, Ms. Barnier, Mr. Keblin and Mr. Pless are all participating in the Movember campaign - students “vote” for their favorite Movember persona by placing food items in boxes beside the front office bearing the name and likeness of the staff member.

All Laptops are at school over the weekend
No school issued laptops should be at home over the weekend.  In the event a laptop does make its way home, please store it in a safe place for the weekend.

November 8 - Two Hour Delay
December 1 - 7th grade field trip to Vermont International Festival ($5 fee - looking for a few chaperones)
December 13 - Two Hour Delay
December Break - December 25-29, January 1

Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Curriculum Updates….
*** Students were excused from completing Reading Journals this week. ***
7 - Students continue to learn about text structures and build up a series of starter paragraphs for their information writing pieces. Next week we will start combining all of this work into a more formal draft.

8 - Investigative Journalism writing pieces were due this week. We began reading Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. We will be focusing on use of figurative language, historical connections and the relationship between the main character Isabel and her younger sister Ruth. We will dig into some note taking strategies next week.

7 -  Our petri dishes and bread baggies had extra time over the long “weekend”.  Students had plenty to look at on Wednesday!  All bacteria and fungi growth samples are now properly disposed of!  Ask your child which surfaces in the classroom showed the most bacterial growth!  We continue to study cell organelles, and will hold another check-up quiz on Friday.  Our final assessment for the cells and energy unit is right before the Thanksgiving break.  Our final topics will be photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

8 - ,Using plastic tubing, binder clips, and bubble wrap, students explored the compression and expansion of air (a mixture of gases)  by creating and exploring with closed systems.  They established that air is matter, having both mass and volume. Students are beginning to visualize that gases are made of microscopic particles, and to experience the behavior of gas particles. We will have 2 more short check-up quizzes before the Thanksgiving break.

7 - Students have begun the district assessment for the culture unit - they are creating slideshows, websites or Thinglinks! related to their view of their culture.  Please check in with your child about the progress; they should be interviewing you next week and requesting help with picture taking.

8 - The students are starting the formal assessment for the American Revolution unit.  They will be using structured notes they take from online reading to support Thinglinks! about major events leading to the American revolution.  The Instagram and Facebook discussion experiences are off the ground and functioning. Mr. Pless encourages families to check in (or even follow) the Instagram accounts if your child has one.

Wow, what a week.  It has been up and down with the storm, Halloween, the drama production, no power, and on top of that, I am home today with my son who is sick. I hope everyone has made it to Friday intack.
While things were a little disjointed this week in class, the 8th grade studied correlation, outliers, standard deviation this week. We will wrap up the investigation portion of the unit next week by exploring bivariate data. We will finish the unit with an end of unit assessment the following week.
In 7th grade we continued to build our foundational knowledge for our new unit, Filling & Wrapping. We finished this week looking at how volume and surface area change when we scale up the dimensions of a rectangular prism. Also, we have moved to weekly homework assignments for the 7th grade. We did not have one this week due to the short week, but students recieved next weeks today in case they want to get a jump on it over the weekend.

Hoping for a very quiet weekend - to recharge (Sorry - low hanging fruit there). Seriously, hoping everyone returns to normalcy in the next few days.
The Fusion Team