Friday, May 18, 2018

fusion communication: May 18

Hi all,

Two weeks left at this point before the next break.  Students are fine and relieved SBACs are over (well… almost over for the 8th grade - see below). Lost of field trips and good things coming these last four weeks.

7th Grade Families:
Grade 7 students will have a field trip on June 14 to Sandbar State park.  Attached to the email is the permission form. Chaperones are requested, as well as portable games to take with us.

8th Grade Families:  
Please remember to turn in the Great Escape permission form!!  This trip is one of the final celebratory events for this current graduating class.  Please look over the letter, consider chaperoning, and direct any questions or comments to!

8th Grade SBACs Continue with Science!
Next week, 8th grade students will have two sessions of Science SBACs on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, from 10-11.  Please let the school know if your child will be missing those two times so makeups can be scheduled.

All Laptops are at school over the Weekend
There should be no school laptops / electronic devices at home over the break.  If one does make its way home, please secure it in a spot where it will remain unused for the break.

May 23 and 24 - 8th Grade ONLY: Science SBACs from 10-11am on both days.
June 1 - 8th Grade: Move up Day at MMU
June 13 - Vivasionville returns, 12:40-2:20 pm in upstairs hallway (more information coming)
June 14 - Totally Going to Happen!  7th Grade Field Trip to Sandbar State Park ($10)
June 14 - Totally Going to Happen! 8th Grade Field Trip to the Great Escape ($65) - Field Trip Permission form attached
June 19 - Tentative last day for 8th graders (MMU Class of 2022) and Recognition Night
June 20 - Tentative last student day of school (grades 5-7)

Curriculum Updates

*** Both grades are in writing units right now. All students are still expected to read 30 minutes/day. ***

7 Students have had ample time in class to plan and draft their realistic fiction stories. At this point, everyone should have a page of writing completed. Those who do not have a page drafted should be spending some time in study halls or at home to get this done. We will be revising and adding to these stories in class next week.

8 Students have had ample class time to plan their comparative essays using a graphic organizer (posted on schoology) This task was due, submitted on schoology, by the end of class today.  Students who have not finished this task should take some time to complete it during study hall or at home. Next week we will begin drafting this essay in class.

7:   Now that SBACs are over we are getting back into the groove of finishing up the Comparing and Scaling unit.  We will be doing some review and practice to prepare for the test for the middle of next (Wednesday or Thursday).

8:    We wrapped up the Say It With Symbols unit with a unit test this week and have moved on to our last unit, It’s In The System.  For the last weeks we will be exploring systems of equations and inequalities. We will also be doing some small group work to help shore up skills in preparation for next fall.  

7 - In between SBAC testing, we went outside to study the Brown’s River!  Our goal was to determine if the river is healthy enough for our brook trout we’ve been raising in the classroom.  We’ve determined that the biological and physical components pass; we will look at the chemistry results next week to make our final determination.  Meanwhile, we enjoyed bringing back a few macroinvertebrates from the river to feed our trout! They enjoyed their first “real” meal!

8 - Students practiced explaining all the forces and properties of matter related to falling objects, such as air resistance, mass, gravity, inertia, and terminal velocity, in their models and explanations.  We’ll have an open-note quiz on Monday. Next Wednesday and Thursday, all 8th graders will complete the field test of the new standardized science test. These will take place mostly during their regular classes.  They are expected to take 1 hour on each day. Please let me know if you have any questions about this assessment.

7 - Students finished Population Pyramids for their countries; ask them how their country is “demographically” organized: Slow or fast growth, Young or Ageing, major events that affect population, and the proportion of male to female.  Students are also finishing the Sovereign State Game next week and will face decisions about: a pandemic outbreak, piracy and a famine in the country of Genosha - arguable the most “hated” country in the activity.
8 - Students finished their projects for the Civil War Statue Controversy and will now head into the Civil Unit.  Please ask your child about the biographical information MMU students are requesting from them for the upcoming Move Up Day (June 1).

Get those weekend outdoor activities finished early tomorrow - lots of rain in the forecast Saturday evening. Might be a good time to watch reruns of the royal wedding with your children:)

Team Fusion