Monday, September 18, 2017

Fusion Communication: September 18

Hi all,
What a crazy week Team Fusion had - and it was spectacular!  The trip went extremely well.  An we are right back at it this week:)

September 26 - Open House : ⅞ families visit EXP teachers 7-7:30, THEN Team Fusion presentation starts at 7:30
Early to mid-October - Tentative field trip to Burlington
October 11 - Two Hour Delay
October 19 - Parent Conferences (more details next week)
October 20 - No School/School Recess
October 27 (change!) - Fusion Sponsored School Dance (donation of food/drink item from each family for no more than 10 people)
November 8 - Two Hour Delay

All students were asked to get a book this week (from the library or brought in from home). Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Overnight Field Trip
Wow - what a trip! The weather held, the skies cleared in the evening and there was plenty of food.  Thank you for supporting this trip - seems like your children had a great time. The team appreciates the loan of stoves, coolers and equipment, but the time and energy it takes for bringing everything in is just as important.

A special thanks to the following chaperones for giving their time, sweat and blood (bugs were BAD at DAR):
8 Sandra Pucillo
8 Chris Kiegle
8 Kathleen Kiegle
8 Colleen Palmer
8 Florence Oliver
8 Lupe Sears
8 Sara Mabley
8 Ed Riddell
7 Paul Gale
7 John Guinness
7 Andrea Kelly
7 Chris Morrissey
7 Luke Roberge
7 Marie Sawyer
7 Paul Strek
7 David Wood
7 Steven Mundell
7 Lisa Lavoie
7 Carol Sullivan
7 Lee Rosen
7 Jennifer Silpe
7 Dayna Katz
7 Ed Nasta
7 Beth Novotny
7 Christa Alexander
7 Elizabeth Webster

**The team would love to create a slideshow of the best quality photos taken during the field trip.  If you or your child has photos to share, please choose your 5 best photos and send them by email to Lisa (

Computer Contracts
The computer contracts are due back ASAP.  A student must return their contract before they will be allowed to take their laptop home. The 8th grade should be able to take their laptops home by next week.

Curriculum Updates….
… will return this Friday.

Looking forward to the week ahead,,
The Fusion Team