Friday, September 29, 2017

Fusion Parent Conference Sign-up and Communication: September 29

Hi all,
This week was busy - and the heat made it especially long.  All students are busy and there are many assignments, activities and happenings to keep track of.  Make sure to check out the calendar. The sign-up for parent conferences is in this communication.

Parent Conferences
The Team is using to organize our upcoming parent conferences.  Preview the options and make your selection by following this link:  You will need to enter your email address, although you do not need to register for an account.  ( does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Lisa and she can sign you up manually.) will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
Mary Lacy Update
The mural is almost complete - 8th graders had a blast doing it.  Mary spoke with all students on Wednesday and then guided Fusion 8 students Friday as they added their touch to the mural.  See the before and after pics from today:

File_000 (1).jpeg

7th Grade Laptops home next week
The computer contracts are due back ASAP.  A student must return their contract before they will be allowed to take their laptop home.

October 11 - Two Hour Delay
October 13 (Really?! Yes) - field trip to Burlington… permission form goes home next week (no cost except lunch money) - we need chaperones
October 19 - No school for students; Parent Conferences (see above for more information)
October 20 - No School/School Recess
October 27 (change!) - Fusion Sponsored School Dance (donation of food/drink item from each family for no more than 10 people - basically, no more than 10 servings:)
November 8 - Two Hour Delay

All students were asked to get a book this week (from the library or brought in from home). Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day. .

Curriculum Updates….
*** Reading Journals are due today! This is the first journal that will be scored. I will be looking at both classwork and work done outside of LA and scoring mainly for completion this round. 8th graders needed to submit on schoology this week. 7th graders aren’t quite there yet -- they were asked to hand in their notebooks today instead. The emphasis for this assignment is on quality rather than quantity. Students are encouraged to show their thinking in a variety of ways and to grow more complex ideas as the year progresses -- they receive feedback in class (and during reading conferences) on how to do this. Eventually, students will be asked to highlight their work to show where feedback was applied… we aren’t quite there yet. ***

7th Grade: This week we used short stories and video clips to examine the fact that characters possess various traits. We also explored the idea that sometimes these traits are less likeable, even in heroic characters. We looked at ways characters’ traits can actually influence the events a story.

8th Grade: To gain exposure to different types of journalism, we have been listening to a podcast in class. Students have listened to a few segments of “This American Life” focused on life in middle school. We have had discussions in class about the topics addressed as well as the journalistic approach taken to gather information. Next week students will start to think about topics for their investigative journalism process piece.  

7: We were into the heart of the unit this week developing rules for the sum of interior angles and exterior angles for all polygons. We also looked at why some regular polygons can be used to make tessellations while others can’t. Next week we will be looking at what side lengths and angles combinations are possible in creating a triangle. We will also be exploring parallel lines and transversals.

8: This week we began applying our knowledge of linear relationships to model real world data from bridge breaking experiments we performed in class. Students collected data on how many pennies it took to break simple paper bridges of different thicknesses and determined how close to a linear relationship the number of layers to breaking weight was. We also performed an experiment on bridge length discovering that there was an inverse relationship between bridge length and breaking weight. Next week, we will be working on more precise modeling of linear patterns.

7 - Students concluded their investigation of 5 mystery materials and, using evidence, concluded that 3 of the materials (radish seeds, yeast, and brine shrimp...aka Sea Monkeys!) showed evidence of life when placed in specific environments (fresh water, sugar water, and salt water).  This led to discussions addressing misconceptions about dormancy and the need for a suitable environment to show evidence of life.  Students are now practicing with microscopes, which will carry over into next week.  By the way, most of the evidence of student’s work so far this year is documented in their science notebooks, which are kept in school.  I look forward to showing you examples of their work during parent conferences!

8 - Students completed their celestial body research, and shared their information with the goal of gaining a broad understanding of the organization of the universe.  The first part of the district assessment was on Wednesday.  Part 2 will be on Tuesday and will focus on the challenge of creating accurate scale models of the solar system.  Today, students attempted to pace off the distances between the sun and the planets; they discovered they could only fit the Sun and Mercury in the front field (using a scale that made Pluto a reasonable size)!

7 - Students started the week reviewing films of different aspects of Vermont culture, then made claims about which of the films was the “Most Vermontey”. Students continued to explore social norms and boundaries, performing skits based on research of a country they researched.  Finally, the week enbded with students beginning to look at the “culture” of Burlington, using Church Street as the grounding location.

8 - The focus continues to be a character from 1763, which most students have made considerable progress in creating. There were several small class assignments along the way: developing a claim supporting Michel Guillaume de Crevecoeur's ideas about a “new” group of people in the British colonies, called “Americans”; researching the clothing of people from the colonial time period, and defending the colony the students felt was the “best” one to live in (New York appears to be a favorite, with a strong showing for South Carolina).

A much cooler weekend is in store… too early to talk about the white stuff? Have a great weekend,
The Fusion Team

Friday, September 22, 2017

Team Fusion Communication: September 22

Hi all,
Everything is back to normal - for a middle school, that is.  Students are fully engaged, have homework. Hopefully computer contracts are in as computers start going home next week - 8th graders first.

September 26 - Open House : ⅞ families visit EXP teachers 7-7:30, THEN Team Fusion presentation starts at 7:30
September 27-28: Artist in residence, Mary Lacy (BRMS/MMU graduate), working on mural with 8th grade (both grades will have a session with her on Wednesday)
October 13 (Really?! Yes) - field trip to Burlington… permission form goes home next week (no cost except lunch money)
October 11 - Two Hour Delay
October 19 - Parent Conferences (more details at open house)
October 20 - No School/School Recess
October 27 (change!) - Fusion Sponsored School Dance (donation of food/drink item from each family for no more than 10 people - basically, no more than 10 servings:)
November 8 - Two Hour Delay

All students were asked to get a book this week (from the library or brought in from home). Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day. .

All students have been introduced to this online system for homework submission and assignment tracking.  At Open House

Computer Contracts
The computer contracts are due back ASAP.  A student must return their contract before they will be allowed to take their laptop home. The 8th grade should be able to take their laptops home by next week.

Curriculum Updates….
7 This week we began a reading unit: A Deep Study of Character. The focus this week was on tracking character traits, first across a short story read aloud in class, then with characters in students’ own books.

8 We are about a week into our Investigative Journalism unit. The focus thus far has been on practicing observation skills and looking at different examples of journalism. Students have written a few short, informal mini news stories to start getting used to this genre.

7: This week we explored using benchmark angles to estimate measures of unknown angles. We also learned to use angle rulers and protractors to more precisely measure angles. Next week we will focus on the relationships of interior angles to the number of sides in a polygons as well as their exterior angles.

8: This week we continued to work on linear relationship and using slope and y-intercept to write equations in slope-intercept form as well as graphing equations from slope intercept form. We will have a quiz on this on Monday and then will move into using linear equations to model and make predictions about real world data.

7 - Students are practicing the skill of “arguing from evidence” as they debate the key characteristics of living things and develop a working definition of life.  They began a multi-day investigation of 5 mystery materials, which will give the opportunity to directly observe several key characteristics of living things.  This investigation will carry into next week.

8 - Students continued their study of the universe by conducting a brief research project on one celestial object, and by practicing making observations of the night sky.  They learned how several astronomers contributed to our current understanding of the universe organization.  The district assessment will be given in stages, with the first phase happening next week.

7 - The first couple classes focused on reviewing the field trip.  Then students spent time working in groups to identify cultural activities, behaviors and items from France and Britain that are evident in United States culture.  Students ended the week with a beginning look at social norms and boundaries that are within cultures around the world.
8 - The first couple classes focused on reviewing the field trip. Students have begun looking at a moment in time within American history - 1763.  They are creating “characters” from that time period, and studying the developing “American” identity through in class activities and individual research.

Have fun at Harvest Market - and continue to enjoy this wildly warm and scenic weather,
The Fusion Team

Monday, September 18, 2017

Fusion Communication: September 18

Hi all,
What a crazy week Team Fusion had - and it was spectacular!  The trip went extremely well.  An we are right back at it this week:)

September 26 - Open House : ⅞ families visit EXP teachers 7-7:30, THEN Team Fusion presentation starts at 7:30
Early to mid-October - Tentative field trip to Burlington
October 11 - Two Hour Delay
October 19 - Parent Conferences (more details next week)
October 20 - No School/School Recess
October 27 (change!) - Fusion Sponsored School Dance (donation of food/drink item from each family for no more than 10 people)
November 8 - Two Hour Delay

All students were asked to get a book this week (from the library or brought in from home). Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Overnight Field Trip
Wow - what a trip! The weather held, the skies cleared in the evening and there was plenty of food.  Thank you for supporting this trip - seems like your children had a great time. The team appreciates the loan of stoves, coolers and equipment, but the time and energy it takes for bringing everything in is just as important.

A special thanks to the following chaperones for giving their time, sweat and blood (bugs were BAD at DAR):
8 Sandra Pucillo
8 Chris Kiegle
8 Kathleen Kiegle
8 Colleen Palmer
8 Florence Oliver
8 Lupe Sears
8 Sara Mabley
8 Ed Riddell
7 Paul Gale
7 John Guinness
7 Andrea Kelly
7 Chris Morrissey
7 Luke Roberge
7 Marie Sawyer
7 Paul Strek
7 David Wood
7 Steven Mundell
7 Lisa Lavoie
7 Carol Sullivan
7 Lee Rosen
7 Jennifer Silpe
7 Dayna Katz
7 Ed Nasta
7 Beth Novotny
7 Christa Alexander
7 Elizabeth Webster

**The team would love to create a slideshow of the best quality photos taken during the field trip.  If you or your child has photos to share, please choose your 5 best photos and send them by email to Lisa (

Computer Contracts
The computer contracts are due back ASAP.  A student must return their contract before they will be allowed to take their laptop home. The 8th grade should be able to take their laptops home by next week.

Curriculum Updates….
… will return this Friday.

Looking forward to the week ahead,,
The Fusion Team

Friday, September 8, 2017

Special Message from School Nurses to Fusion Parents

Hello parents.

According to the Field trip Emergency Information and Medical form some of you submitted recently, you indicated that your child will require medication(s) to be administered during this field trip.
    -  Any prescription medication not taken in school must be delivered in the original container with written permission from the prescribing medical provider (MD order) and the parent.

    - Over the counter medication (i.e.Tylenol, Advil, Allegra, Zyrtec, Lactaid, Claritin, etc ) must be in the original container with written parental permission & instruction (dose/time of day) - this can be emailed to me for your convenience.

Please bring in the above items to our health office no later than

You are receiving this email because we have not yet received the MD order and/or the medication as of today. Your child may not be able to attend the field trip without these medicines and orders.

Your child's medical provider could fax us the order (fax no: 802-899-4281). The following is a link to our school district's medication permission forms:

If you plan to chaperone, you do not need to provide our health office with the medication/MD order/written permission since you will be the one to administer the medication.

Please let us know if you have questions/concerns via email or phone.

Thanks in advance!

Ainee & Tina
BRMS School Nurses

Fusion Communication: September 8

Hi all,
We are in full field trip planning mode.  Thanks to all who have contributed to this effort so far and to everyone for what you will do this weekend:) Please check in with your child about what they need to bring and contribute to this effort; mr. Pless will be available this weekend to help if your child can’t remember.

September 13 - Two Hour Delay
September 14-15: Overnight Field Trip
September 26 - Open House (generally starts around 6:30pm)
Early to mid-October - Tentative field trip to Burlington
October 11 - Two Hour Delay
October 26 - Fusion Sponsored School Dance
November 8 - Two Hour Delay

All students were asked to get a book this week (from the library or brought in from home). Books should be brought to all study halls and LA class each day.

Overnight Field Trip
**Every student has been assigned a camping family and has been working to create meals for the trip.  Please check in with your child about what is needed for supplies, food for this camping group.
Other information:
  • A small typo on the permission form caused some families to underpay - many apologies. The field trip fee is $25. Mr. Pless will be in touch with affected families this weekend.
  • That said, scholarships are available. And a big thank you to families that donated extra to help with the scholarships and defray chaperone fees.
  • And we have enough chaperones to make the field trip a go!
  • Chaperones - an email will go out this evening about meal plans.  If you did not attend the chaperone meeting, please arrange to speak with Mr. Pless before the trip.
  • Groups are putting together a list of supplies they need for the field trip. Please ask your child and see what they have have volunteered to bring.  This includes:
    • Food for meals
    • Two burner, propane stoves
    • Hard, sided coolers (two per group)
  • Please make sure your child brings everything to the field trip that they might need - every child was given a packing list (which is also attached to this email).
Schedule for equipment to arrive at BRMS:
  • Personal camping equipment: Monday - Wednesday morning (placed in Mr. Pless’s room with name taped on each bag)
Group Equipment: Dropped off Mornings or afternoons at end of school
  • Stoves: Monday-Tuesday in Mr. Pless’s room (name labeled in tape)
  • Coolers: Monday - Wednesday in Health/Wellness storage room (name on tape)
  • Food: Monday-Wednesday in Health/Wellness storage room
    • Ready-made foods on Thursday morning only
    • Two Lunches on Thursday morning only

Computer Contracts
The computer contracts went home this week.  A student must return their contract before they will be allowed to take home their laptop home.

Curriculum Updates
LA: Our focus for the week was to get reading routines and expectations in place. Students were introduced to the reading log plan for this year.

You can view the reading log/journal plan here: Reading Journal Directions/Expectations
Other resources made available to students in class and on Schoology in the Reading Toolkit folder:

Students will be assessed every other week to check that they are taking and applying feedback consistently. Their end of trimester score will be based that was made along the writing about reading progression (see link above). Any questions, please feel free to check in with me!

8 - Investigative Journalism: In preparation for this narrative/information writing unit, we have spent some time looking at narrative non-fiction articles from Scholastic Scope magazine. Conversations have revolved around journalists’ process for researching and writing an article, finding a focus, and choosing a text structure to guide the reader through a topic. We will use some of these articles as mentor texts when the time comes for students to write their own investigative piece.

7 - Building a Community of Readers and Writers: Students have been working on their own or in small groups to create Book Trailers. The goal was to create a video that would get others excited about reading and to convince each other to try new books. Next week we will begin to look at schoology and other LA routines to get set up for the year. Next up: Traditional Information Writing Mini Unit.

7 - Students started off with YouCube’s Week of Inspirational Math to help develop group work skills and further their growth-mindset in math. We will be starting the regular curriculum next week beginning with the geometry unit, Shapes and Designs.

8 - Students started with some select activities from YouCube’s Week of Inspirational Math to get back into the practice of group work and developing a growth mindset. We jumped right into the curriculum today defining slope in linear relationships. We will continue to explore slope-intercept form of linear equations to build skills for our first unit, Thinking With Mathematical Models. This unit explores modeling linear and inverse real world relationships with graphs, tables, and equations and finished with statistical analysis of bivariate data.

7 - Students are beginning their study of life science by learning how to observe and identify common tree species that live on the school grounds and at home. We are reviewing specific vocabulary and features of leaves that help distinguish one species from another.  Next week, we will put our identification into context by comparing species diversity of different regions.

8 - Students in 8th grade have been discussing the phases of the moon and eclipses.  They practiced developing and critiquing models that explain how these phenomenon occur.  The weather has not cooperated for completing nightly lunar logs, but we plan to incorporate regular observations of the night sky beginning next week.

7 - Like everyone else, social studies has been a lesson in expectations and routines.  Ask your children about the map activity, where they created maps - with expected and unexpected behaviors - of the room.  Also, much of the organization for the field trip took place during social studies time.
8 In class we are currently discussing the topic of borders and what the word means to us. We have discussed some of the borders in our world that have a good or a bad impact and their purpose.

A thank you to Carly Jenkins and Kayla Popeleski for providing some of the writing in this newsletter. Their participation is an outgrowth of the Connections class Ms. Windhausen and Mr. Pless are teaching on Fridays.

Thanks and have a great weekend,
The Fusion Team