Hi all,
Shorter communication this week. It’s been busy:) Make sure to take a look at the calendar - lots coming up.
8th Grade Families Only: MMU Recommendation Forms
8th graders are bringing home a recommendation form for MMU classes. Please review and then sign the form. Questions about specific courses should be referred to the content teacher or Ms. Wisniowski. Forms are due back to Ms. Wisniowski no later than Friday, February 3.
Dance Donations
A message was sent earlier in the week about the dance on February 10. Team Fusion is using the dance as the annual fundraiser for the end of the year field trips. Please use the link below to sign up for a baked good or water donation:
Penguin Plunge 2017
The Plunge takes place this weekend - Saturday, February 4, 11am at the Burlington Waterfront (by the Coast Guard station). It is a great event and the 13th year for BRMS to participate as a school. Plungers should meet Mr. Warren and Mr. Pless in Burlington City Hall Park by 9:30am.
There are 76 students, staff and community members signed up and over $16,000 raised to date!
February 3 - 8th Grade High School Course Recommendation Forms went home.
February 8 - Two Hour Delay
February 10 - 8th Grade High School Course Recommendation Forms due back.
February 10 - ⅞ Dance (Fundraiser for Team Fusion - donations of food to the dance)
February 16 - NAEP testing (Afternoon)
February 23 - Field Trip to Bowling/Lunch of Pizza and Chinese