Friday, February 24, 2017

Fusion Communication: February 24

Hi all,
So much for the snow. Maybe onward to spring?

Parent Conferences in March
The team has filled conference times - if your family needs to reschedule, please contact the team as soon as you can. For families that need a time outside of the times already offered, contact Mr. Pless directly.

8th Grade Only: Career Unit
The career unit was introduced during the last PLP meeting (Monday, 2/20).  Please read through the attached letter; please note - there is a job shadow expectation for this unit.  February Break is a great time to get those completed.

Career Panel February 22
Thank you to all our panel members: Shaun King, Leslie Dee, Ryan Mercer, Jason Ritter, Deputy Sheriff Brian Welch, and Kristen Barker.

Trout Feeding over Break
Most of the trout are happily feeding when given the opportunity.  A few families have reached out to me inquiring about feeding them over this vacation.  If you would like to help out, please email me at with a day and time that works for you and I’ll add you to a feeding schedule.  I will leave instructions on the tank.  You can expect that it will take ~20-30 minutes, as they should be acclimated to the light for about 15 minutes before feeding, then covered up again after they feed.  Thank you!

February 24 - close of Trimester 2 report card
February 25 - March 6: Winter Break
March 17 - ½ student day/Parent Conference Day
April 12 - Delayed Start
May 16 - Delayed Start

Trout Update

Reminder from Nurse’s Office:
Please know that if your child texts, emails or calls you from school due to illness or injury,  it should be from the Health Office. The protocol is that if a child is not feeling well or is injured, he/she is sent to the Health Office. We, with your student,  will decide  if a call home to a parent/guardian is warranted. Please ask your student  if she/he has been to see the nurse first if there is a request to be picked up. Thank-you for your help on this important matter.

Spectrum Sleepout
Message below is from Greg Martin:
Dear BRMS Student and Parent(s),
Sleeping Outside overnight on March 23rd is hard and uncomfortable! Imagine having to do it EVERY NIGHT? The perspective and experience gained in participating with us in the Student Sleep Out will be a powerful and meaningful one. Please consider joining us by;
  1. Joining our team, raising $ (raise $25 and you get a hat), sleeping out, having fun, SUPPORTING SPECTRUM PROGRAMS AND HELPING LOCAL HOMELESS TEENS.
Click here;

  1. Signing up, all of the above, but just come for the PRESENTATION from 7:00-8:00pm on 3/23 and eat pizza. Go home and know you’ve helped and make a difference! *Best for students participating in the play on Friday 3/24.

  1. Sponsor our TEAM or one of our PARTICIPANTS by giving $ to Spectrum here; Click “DONATE NOW.” Know you’ve helped provide meals, shelter and services for a local, homeless teen!

Thank you for supporting the Spectrum's Sleep Out! You just made sure a struggling teen or young adult will be able to get help when they need it most.Each year, Spectrum provides 2,000 youth with basic needs like food and shelter, coaching and mentoring on life skills, and substance abuse and mental health counseling. If you'd like to find out more about their innovative programs, visit Thank you again for making sure Spectrum's doors are open for the next youth who needs help!

*This is my 4th year organizing this event here at BRMS in honor of my younger brother who was homeless and struggling with drug addiction. I'm pleased to say that he is now over one year clean and sober and doing well. Agencies, like Spectrum, have been a lifeline for people in need, like my brother. This is means A LOT to me, so thank you sincerely for your generous donation of time and/or money!

Gregory Martin
5th & 6th Grade School Counselor - BRMS