RSVP for September 2nd, MEET-AND-GREET
______ No, I will not be able to attend the Meet-and-Greet
______ Yes, I will attend the Meet-and-Greet on Friday, September 2nd, 7:30-8:00 AM.
I will be able to bring _______________________________________ to share with the team.
Names of those attending: _____________________________________________________________
Permission Form for Team Fusion Field Trips to Mills Riverside Park
I give permission for __________________________________________ (child’s name) to attend field trips to Mills Riverside Park in Jericho throughout the 2016-2017 school year with Team Fusion. Notice will be sent to families prior to each trip.
Printed Name: _______________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
*Please send this page with your child on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 31.